Inverted Ace of Rods


Inverted Ace of RodsThis image is like a bulb that has been planted upside down, or mystically it is the first sprout of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The inverted aces often act as a warning, or reminder, that you are not in control of a situation. Sometimes they suggest delays or require some sort of transformation of the element. This ace might be telling you reality does not currently match your desire.

Either you want something that isn’t available, or you don’t have the energy or skill to take advantage of the opportunity. Both situations can lead to frustration, and a lot of it. You could feel plagued with false starts, or overwhelmed at the prospect of taking on something new. This card offers the hope and promise of an ace, but it will take more effort to realize that potential.

Bringing the other three elements (air, water, and earth) into focus will help kickstart this new opportunity, by giving you perspective. To introduce air, go for a run, or a ride in the car with the top down. To focus on the water element, take a bath, go swimming, make some tea, or do a load of dishes. The earth element is present in activities like gardening or even eating root vegetables, like potatoes and beets. Introducing more of these elements might perk you up enough to take advantage of that great, new opportunity.


In a spread, the Ace of Rods adds a little spark.

Major Arcana

Empress: When the Ace of Rods (Clubs, Wands, or Staves in other decks) combines with the Empress in any position, it can indicate pregnancy.

Minor Arcana

King of Rods (Clubs, Wands, Staves): The Ace of Rods (Clubs, Wands, or Staves in other decks) in combination with the King of Rods (Clubs, Wands, or Staves in other decks) is explosive.

The Suit — Rods, Wands, Staves, or Clubs

The Rod is a tool with a spark of life in it. This suit is associated with the element of fire, due largely to an ancient belief that fire is held captive in wood. Certainly, sensitive souls can feel the energy of wood, but we don’t expect it to combust on its own. When we refer to this suit as Wands, we acknowledge its power. Rods are creative and fiery. They can also feel like a burden in excess.

The Number — Ace or 1

It all begins with one, the self.

The Inversion

There is nothing to fear with an inversion. Mary K. Greer explains in her book, The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals, that an inverted card may be interpreted in one or more of these twelve ways:

  1. Blocked or Resisted
  2. Projected
  3. Delayed, Difficult, Unavailable
  4. Inner, Unconscious, Private
  5. New or Dark Moon (if you are reading cards from a round deck)
  6. Breaking Through, Overturning, Refusing, Changing Direction
  7. The Opposite of the Upright Meaning, or Lacking
  8. Excessively
  9. Misused or Misdirected
  10. The Upright Meaning Backward
  11. A Rectification or Cure
  12. Magical, Unconventional, or Humorous

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Inverted Ace of Swords


Inverted Ace of SwordsVisually, this sword looks like a stalactite. As a whole, the inverted aces can act as a warning or reminder that you do not have control in a situation. Inverted aces often suggest delays or require some sort of transformation of the element. Is this ace calling to you to put down your sword, surrender control, or turn your sword into a plowshare?

When you get this card, some of your power (or perceived power) has been removed. You might feel the urge to run away, or cut off a relationship. If you’re a writer, this could be writer’s block. If you are concerned about your health, this might indicate migraine headaches, mental stress, or nervous conditions. Or you might be consciously relinquishing control to a higher power.

Whatever the situation, the air element is out of balance, and that imbalance is keeping you from starting something. It’s time to introduce more water, earth, and fire into your situation. Water can be introduced through a shower, bath, cup of tea, or doing laundry or dishes. Earth is encouraged through gardening, going for a walk, or a clay facial. To introduce fire, light a candle, sit by a safely-contained fire, or bake or roast something delicious. Drawing your energy and focus to other elements can give you some perspective, which may allow you to start something really special.


Major Arcana

Lovers: When the Ace of Swords comes after the Lovers, it indicates a relationship will end.

Minor Arcana

King of Rods (Clubs, Wands, or Staves): The Ace of Swords in combination with the King of Rods (Clubs, Wands, or Staves in other decks) is explosive.

The Suit — Swords or Spades

The sword cuts and dissects. Swords represents the element of air. They are intellect. They are double-sided, which allows them to both damage and heal. The images in the suit might be alarming to some, but they are not simply aggressive. Yes, we can use blades to inflict pain, but we also use them to carve, shave, and trim.

The Number — Ace or 1

It all begins with one, the self.

The Inversion

There is nothing to fear with an inversion. Mary K. Greer explains in her book, The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals, that an inverted card may be interpreted in one or more of these twelve ways:

  1. Blocked or Resisted
  2. Projected
  3. Delayed, Difficult, Unavailable
  4. Inner, Unconscious, Private
  5. New or Dark Moon (if you are reading cards from a round deck)
  6. Breaking Through, Overturning, Refusing, Changing Direction
  7. The Opposite of the Upright Meaning, or Lacking
  8. Excessively
  9. Misused or Misdirected
  10. The Upright Meaning Backward
  11. A Rectification or Cure
  12. Magical, Unconventional, or Humorous

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Ace of Rods


Ace of RodsThis is the exclamation point of the Minor Arcana. It is the cosmic thumbs-up. Yes! It is that powerful new beginning you’ve hoped for.

This is the seed of the wand’s power. It offers great potential, but you must be ready to take advantage immediately. You might have wanted a change for some time, and this is your chance. Accept the challenge and you can conjure amazing things!


In a spread, the Ace of Rods adds a little spark.

Major Arcana

Empress: When the Ace of Rods (Clubs, Wands, or Staves in other decks) combines with the Empress in any position, it can indicate pregnancy.

Minor Arcana

King of Rods (Clubs, Wands, Staves): The Ace of Rods (Clubs, Wands, or Staves in other decks) in combination with the King of Rods (Clubs, Wands, or Staves in other decks) is explosive.

The Suit — Rods, Wands, Staves, or Clubs

The Rod is a tool with a spark of life in it. This suit is associated with the element of fire, due largely to an ancient belief that fire is held captive in wood. Certainly, sensitive souls can feel the energy of wood, but we don’t expect it to combust on its own. When we refer to this suit as Wands, we acknowledge its power. Rods are creative and fiery. They can also feel like a burden in excess.

The Number — Ace or 1

It all begins with one, the self.

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Ace of Swords


Ace of SwordsVisually, you might confuse this image with Excalibur, the sword of King Arthur. Like in the myth, you have something potentially great in front of you. Each ace in the Tarot represents a new beginning. They are seeds of what can be. Swords can heal or wound. The person holding it has to make a choice to use it as a tool or a weapon.

If you draw the Ace of Swords, you are beginning to cut through the B.S., committing to a specific direction, or setting pen to paper. Whatever the task at hand is, it will take some thought. This is the beginning of the process. You have a very good chance of succeeding, but you need to be willing to move forward and assert your rights. Choose wisely. You have it within your power to be a hero or a villain.


Major Arcana

Lovers: When the Ace of Swords after the Lovers, it indicates the end of a relationship.

Minor Arcana

King of Rods (Clubs, Wands, or Staves): The Ace of Swords in combination with the King of Rods (Clubs, Wands, or Staves in other decks) is explosive.

The Suit — Swords or Spades

The sword cuts and dissects. Swords represents the element of air. They are intellect. They are double-sided, which allows them to both damage and heal. The images in the suit might be alarming to some, but they are not simply aggressive. Yes, we can use blades to inflict pain, but we also use them to carve, shave, and trim.

The Number — Ace or 1

It all begins with one, the self.

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Ace of Cups


Ace of CupsVisually, we see this cup filled with water. It is the Holy Grail, that thing we dedicate a lifetime to find. We drink deeply from the cup. It is filled with living water. We see ourselves reflected in it, we use it to scry. When you look, do you see your past? Do you see your future? Do you see your current situation a little more clearly, deeply?

“My cup runneth over.” You may feel like Heaven itself is shining down on you and your life. This may be the time to take what the Universe is offering you and drink it in, let it nourish you. This card often makes itself known when there is a new love, but that love does not have to be romantic. It can be an opening to spirit, intuition, creativity, a soul’s journey. Whatever it is, drink it in. You might only have this clarity for a moment. Believe it is real.


Minor Arcana

King of Rods (Clubs, Wands, or Staves): The Ace of Cups in combination with the King of Rods (Clubs, Wands, or Staves in other decks) is explosive.

The Suit — Cups or Hearts

The cup holds water, the heart holds emotion. Water nourishes, refreshes, revives. Emotions remind us we’re alive, give us reason to commune with others. Water can give life and take it away. Emotions can make us want to feel more and wish we could just stop feeling entirely.
This suit invites us to that place below the surface, to search for the Holy Grail, to get in touch with our creative side.

The Number — Ace or 1

It all begins with one, the self.

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The MagicianThe image shows a cloaked man with an infinity symbol above his head and an the Ouroboros as a belt. These are symbols of power, personal power. They suggest this power is eternal. This magician is no David Copperfield, this is a wizard of the ages.

Getting this card suggests you are coming into your own power. This power allows you to call on the various elements to accomplish whatever you wish. The element of air is communication, fire is creativity, water is emotion, and earth is finances. You might gather these elements within yourself or in the community you build. If you’ve been considering a new project, this is the card that indicates you are ready to make it successful. Sometimes this news comes with a little anxiety. This is a natural reaction, but it’s in your best interests to keep it at a minimum. Meditation, journaling, and exercise can help burn off the emotion that can slow you down. You have something great to do. Go forward with confidence!


In a spread, the Magician (Magus or Cobbler in other decks) is a very strong card that can interact with several cards, the force may cancel out some of them and intensify others.

Major Arcana

Empress: If the Magician comes after the Empress, diplomacy will bring success.
Lovers: If the Magician comes after the Lovers, there is some indecision regarding a new venture. If the Lovers card is inverted in the same position, hesitation will lead to separation.
Wheel: The Magician and Wheel in combination represent an exciting change of profession, dwelling, or direction in life, and are a sign of lasting good fortune. If the Magician and the Wheel are in the fifth and tenth positions in a Celtic Cross spread, there will be a delay.
Death: If the Magician shows up in a spread with Death, the two cards cancel each other out. If they appear in the fifth and tenth positions in a Celtic Cross spread, they signify the cancellation of an event.
Devil: If the Magician and the Devil are in the fifth and tenth positions in a Celtic Cross spread, there will be a delay. In any other positions in any spread, these two cards in combination represent trickery and deceit.
Star: If the Magician comes after the Star, it suggests a happy beginning for a new project or artistic venture.
Moon: The combination of the Moon and the Magician in any position indicates deceit and trickery.
World: If the World appears with the Magician in any position, it negates the World’s abstract qualities.

Minor Arcana

Five of Swords (Spades): If the Magician shows up in a spread with the Five of Swords (Spades in other decks), it can indicate trickery and deceit.
Seven of Swords (Spades): If the Magician shows up in a spread with the Seven of Swords (Spades in other decks), it can indicate trickery and deceit.
Three of Pentacles (Coins, Diamonds, or Disks): If the Magician shows up in a spread with the Three of Pentacles (Coins, Diamonds, or Disks in other decks), it suggests a solitary undertaking, or entrepreneurship.
King of Rods (Wands, Staves, or Clubs): When the Magician and the King of Rods (Wands, Staves, or Clubs in other decks) combine, they indicate that incredible things are about to occur. Some of them might seem to come out of nowhere.

The Major Arcana

The twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana tend to hold the big lessons. These cards carry powerful messages. If you are reading a spread of cards, watch for the Major Arcana. If your spread contains more than 30% Major Arcana, you are in the midst of something big, or beyond your control. If most of the cards in the spread are from the Major Arcana, you might be trying to exert too much control. You might have trouble expressing your feelings, or you might be near your breaking point. A spread without any Major Arcana cards could indicate you are hiding from the truth of the issue, or are in some deep distress. If this is the case, it is important to find someone you can trust to guide you through this period of time. In a spread, focus most of your attention on the Major Arcana. The other cards will be useful for clarifying the situation.

The Number — Ace or 1

It all begins with one, the self.
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Inverted Ace of Pentacles


Inverted Ace of PentaclesVisually, this card is buried treasure, or money under the table. To some, it may resemble the hamster wheel of work, a wheel that never seems to end or get you anywhere.

When you encounter the inverted Ace of Pentacles, you might be experiencing the Midas touch — everything around you is turning to gold. This can feel wonderful at first, but it eventually gets in the way of a normal life. Living life strictly on the physical plane can trigger fears of losing a fortune, which your mind equates to loss of your life. You may feel your hands are locked in the golden shackles of a job. This job provides you with financial rewards, but very little life to enjoy them. Are you working on manifesting what you desire in the physical world? Be careful only to draw what you need to yourself, and always be generous with others of lesser means. Wealth is best shared.

The earth element is out of balance in this card. Bring more air, water, and fire into your daily routine. Maybe you can bike to work to introduce more air. Enjoying aquatic sports on the weekends could boost the water element and your energy. A simple ritual of lighting a candle, taking three long breaths, and enjoying an herbal tea might also help you separate work life from the rest of your life. It’s time to start living.


The Ace of Pentacles improves the tone of all other cards in a spread.

Major Arcana

Emperor: Any cards from the suit of Pentacles can indicate an offer of a position of authority. This position is likely to involve finance and carry heavy responsibilities.
Wheel of Fortune: The Ace of Pentacles in combination with the Wheel of Fortune is considered very lucky.

Minor Arcana

Nine of Cups: The Ace of Pentacles in combination with the Nine of Cups is considered very lucky.
King of Rods (Clubs, Wands, or Staves): The Ace of Pentacles in combination with the King of Rods (Clubs, Wands, or Staves in other decks) is explosive.

The Suit — Pentacles, Coins, or Diamonds

The pentacle is a symbol of earth magic. The coin is wealth and wages. The diamond is a symbol of wealth, pulled from the ground and refined by human hands into something enduring and elegant. This suit represents all things related to the earth. It represents the work of our hands. It represents those conspicuous signs of wealth that show us and our neighbors how successful we are, but this is merely material wealth. We can pass this on to the next generation, but it is worthless if we choose to bury it with ourselves.

The Number — Ace or 1

It all begins with one, the self.

The Inversion

There is nothing to fear with an inversion. Mary K. Greer explains in her book, The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals, that an inverted card may be interpreted in one or more of these twelve ways:

  1. Blocked or Resisted
  2. Projected
  3. Delayed, Difficult, Unavailable
  4. Inner, Unconscious, Private
  5. New or Dark Moon (if you are reading cards from a round deck)
  6. Breaking Through, Overturning, Refusing, Changing Direction
  7. The Opposite of the Upright Meaning, or Lacking
  8. Excessively
  9. Misused or Misdirected
  10. The Upright Meaning Backward
  11. A Rectification or Cure
  12. Magical, Unconventional, or Humorous

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Inverted Magician


The Inverted MagicianVisually, the infinity symbol above the Magician’s head appears to be drilling downward, maybe giving the figure the opportunity to bury himself.

In this card, we see someone who is often given to trickery and manipulation to get what he wants. He may have some of the power of the upright card, but none of the ethics to prevent him from using his power merely for personal gain. Conversely, this might be someone who is out of touch with his natural power and shies away from it, choosing to be ineffectual rather than responsible for what could potentially happen if he took charge. Real power comes with responsibility to society and to yourself. You were given this power for a reason. It is in your best interests to learn how to use it for the good of all concerned.


In a spread, the Magician (Magus or Cobbler in other decks) is a very strong card that can interact with several cards, the force may cancel out some of them and intensify others.

Major Arcana

High Priestess: If the Inverted Magician comes before the High Priestess, it indicates the wrong use of occult power.
Empress: If the Magician comes after the Empress, diplomacy will bring success.
Lovers: If the Magician comes after the Lovers, there is some indecision regarding a new venture. If the Lovers card is inverted in the same position, hesitation will lead to separation.
Wheel: The Magician and Wheel in combination represent an exciting change of profession, dwelling, or direction in life, and are a sign of lasting good fortune. If the Magician and the Wheel are in the fifth and tenth positions in a Celtic Cross spread, there will be a delay.
Death: If the Magician shows up in a spread with Death, the two cards cancel each other out. If they appear in the fifth and tenth positions in a Celtic Cross spread, they signify the cancellation of an event.
Devil: If the Magician and the Devil are in the fifth and tenth positions in a Celtic Cross spread, there will be a delay. In any other positions in any spread, these two cards in combination represent trickery and deceit.
Star: If the Magician comes after the Star, it suggests a happy beginning for a new project or artistic venture.
Moon: The combination of the Moon and the Magician in any position indicates deceit and trickery.
World: If the World appears with the Magician in any position, it negates the World’s abstract qualities.

Minor Arcana

Five of Swords (Spades): If the Magician shows up in a spread with the Five of Swords (Spades in other decks), it can indicate trickery and deceit.
Seven of Swords (Spades): If the Magician shows up in a spread with the Seven of Swords (Spades in other decks), it can indicate trickery and deceit.
Three of Pentacles (Coins, Diamonds, or Disks): If the Magician shows up in a spread with the Three of Pentacles (Coins, Diamonds, or Disks in other decks), it suggests a solitary undertaking, or entrepreneurship.
King of Rods (Wands, Staves, or Clubs): When the Magician and the King of Rods (Wands, Staves, or Clubs in other decks) combine, they indicate that incredible things are about to occur. Some of them might seem to come out of nowhere.

The Major Arcana

The twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana tend to hold the big lessons. These cards carry powerful messages. If you are reading a spread of cards, watch for the Major Arcana. If your spread contains more than 30% Major Arcana, you are in the midst of something big, or beyond your control. If most of the cards in the spread are from the Major Arcana, you might be trying to exert too much control. You might have trouble expressing your feelings, or you might be near your breaking point. A spread without any Major Arcana cards could indicate you are hiding from the truth of the issue, or are in some deep distress. If this is the case, it is important to find someone you can trust to guide you through this period of time. In a spread, focus most of your attention on the Major Arcana. The other cards will be useful for clarifying the situation.

The Number — Ace or 1

It all begins with one, the self.

The Inversion

There is nothing to fear with an inversion. Mary K. Greer explains in her book, The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals, that an inverted card may be interpreted in one or more of these twelve ways:

  1. Blocked or Resisted
  2. Projected
  3. Delayed, Difficult, Unavailable
  4. Inner, Unconscious, Private
  5. New or Dark Moon (if you are reading cards from a round deck)
  6. Breaking Through, Overturning, Refusing, Changing Direction
  7. The Opposite of the Upright Meaning, or Lacking
  8. Excessively
  9. Misused or Misdirected
  10. The Upright Meaning Backward
  11. A Rectification or Cure
  12. Magical, Unconventional, or Humorous

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Ace of Pentacles


Ace of PentaclesThis card represents the seed of all good things on the material plane. This is where health, stability, and monetary wealth begin. This is your opportunity to create what is physically important to you.

If you received this card, it is a gift. What do you want? What do you need? What have you been waiting for? Here is your chance. All of the Aces are a starting point. What you see might be smaller than you anticipated. If that’s the case, this is your chance to nurture it and increase it. Is this about what you imagined? Hang on. Putting your energy into this will give you more than you dreamed possible. The point is, this is your opportunity. What you do from here out is up to you. Keep your eye on the ball.


The Ace of Pentacles improves the tone of all other cards in a spread.

Major Arcana

Emperor: Any cards from the suit of Pentacles can indicate an offer of a position of authority. This position is likely to involve finance and carry heavy responsibilities.
Wheel of Fortune: The Ace of Pentacles in combination with the Wheel of Fortune is considered very lucky.

Minor Arcana

Nine of Cups: The Ace of Pentacles in combination with the Nine of Cups is considered very lucky.
King of Rods (Clubs, Wands, or Staves): The Ace of Pentacles in combination with the King of Rods (Clubs, Wands, or Staves in other decks) is explosive.

The Suit — Pentacles, Coins, or Diamonds

The pentacle is a symbol of earth magic. The coin is wealth and wages. The diamond is a symbol of wealth, pulled from the ground and refined by human hands into something enduring and elegant. This suit represents all things related to the earth. It represents the work of our hands. It represents those conspicuous signs of wealth that show us and our neighbors how successful we are, but this is merely material wealth. We can pass this on to the next generation, but it is worthless if we choose to bury it with ourselves.

The Number — Ace or 1

It all begins with one, the self.

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Inverted Ace of Cups


Inverted Ace of CupsVisually, you know this cup cannot hold water. Perhaps this was your choice. Are you signaling to your server saying you can’t drink anymore? It’s possible this cup is simply waiting for you to set it upright to be filled. Maybe it was filled and you chose to dump the contents because they were too sweet, not sweet enough, bland, or even poisonous.

Does this feel like some sort of shell game, where the thing you want most is hidden from view? Are you trying to guess where it might be? Have you kept your eyes open? Do you know which cup it’s under?

How are you blocking or delaying love? How are you keeping it at arm’s length? Who do you see denying their love to you? What are you choosing NOT to begin? Have you gone too far with your emotions, diving in too deeply, getting carried away?

Does this have anything to do with love at all? Did you choose not to embrace your intuition? Have you closed a door to your mystical self? Are you thinking of going into rehab, or cutting back on your debauchery? Whatever it is, follow your feelings back to your core. Retrieve whatever you have lost.

The water element in this card is out of balance. Introduce air, earth, and fire back into your daily routine. Go for a run, go out and garden, light some candles and meditate. Once the elements are in balance, you will feel less like the victim in this shell game.


Minor Arcana

King of Rods (Clubs, Wands, or Staves): The Ace of Cups in combination with the King of Rods (Clubs, Wands, or Staves in other decks) is explosive.

The Suit — Cups or Hearts

The cup holds water, the heart holds emotion. Water nourishes, refreshes, revives. Emotions remind us we’re alive, give us reason to commune with others. Water can give life and take it away. Emotions can make us want to feel more and wish we could just stop feeling entirely.
This suit invites us to that place below the surface, to search for the Holy Grail, to get in touch with our creative side.

The Number — Ace or 1

It all begins with one, the self.

The Inversion

There is nothing to fear with an inversion. Mary K. Greer explains in her book, The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals, that an inverted card may be interpreted in one or more of these twelve ways:

  1. Blocked or Resisted
  2. Projected
  3. Delayed, Difficult, Unavailable
  4. Inner, Unconscious, Private
  5. New or Dark Moon (if you are reading cards from a round deck)
  6. Breaking Through, Overturning, Refusing, Changing Direction
  7. The Opposite of the Upright Meaning, or Lacking
  8. Excessively
  9. Misused or Misdirected
  10. The Upright Meaning Backward
  11. A Rectification or Cure
  12. Magical, Unconventional, or Humorous

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