
The EightsTarot is composed of layers of symbols, each with its own message. Have you seen cards of the same number within a single reading? Does the same number keep appearing over and over again in nearly every spread? The Universe is trying to tell you something. It’s time to integrate that number’s meaning into your interpretations. When you do this, it deepens your understanding. Sometimes I read all the cards of one value when I start a reading. It sets a tone and gives me perspective. See how that one change shapes your interpretations. We are close to completing the cycle. It’s time for the eights.


The upright eights are about progress, adjustment, and re-evaluation. They offer opportunities for expansion and distribution.

Meditate on where you started and compare it to where you are now. Pay attention to where you feel constrained or less successful. Those are places you can adjust and expand to move forward.

Eight of Rods | Eight of Cups | Eight of Swords | Eight of Pentacles
Strength | The Star


Inversions can be tricky, because they can be interpreted so many ways. Sometimes inversions slow things down. Sometimes they turn things around completely. They can represent an internal journey, or a brush with the mystical. The inverted eights are filled with poor judgement. They indicate a lack of persistence, and halted or delayed progress. But, they can also represent spiritual progress, generosity, comprehension, and expansion. They suggest an imbalance in an element, and can offer you the opportunity to transform that element (Rods are fire, Cups are water, Swords are air, and Pentacles are earth).

Meditate on the dual nature of your strengths. How often does your drive become stubbornness? When do you feel like giving up, and when do you find yourself evolving? Look closely at the elements that are inverted and try to integrate more of the other elements into the situation. If swords are inverted, stop thinking and start doing. If cups are inverted, write down what you’re feeling and safely burn them. If rods are inverted, take a long bath or shower. If pentacles are inverted, try doing something spontaneous.

Inverted Eight of Rods | Inverted Eight of Cups | Inverted Eight of Swords | Inverted Eight of Pentacles
Inverted Strength | The Inverted Star

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