Inverted Eight of Swords


Inverted Eight of SwordsAleister Crowley called this card a “tendency to mysticism.” Temper this with Florence Farr‘s definition to “take the limits off common experience,” and you get to the heart of this card. It asks us to look past our preconceived notions and make necessary changes. This can be summed up by the following passage:

“I can’t believe that!” said Alice.
“Can’t you?” the Queen said in a pitying tone. “Try again: draw a long breath, and shut your eyes.”
Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said: “one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
-Chapter 5: Wool and Water, Through the Looking-Glass, Lewis Carroll

We are wise to take the Queen’s advice. When you receive this card, close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Imagine the “impossible.” Can you see it? Is it clear? Now feel the surrounding swords slice through those ropes. Remove your blindfold. Rinse and repeat.


The Seven of Swords only interacts with the Lovers.

Major Arcana

Lovers: If any cards from the suit of Swords come after the Lovers, it indicates the end of a relationship.

The Suit — Swords

The sword cuts and dissects. Swords represents the element of air. They are intellect. They are double-sided, which allows them to both damage and heal. The images in the suit might be alarming to some, but they are not simply aggressive. Yes, we can use blades to inflict pain, but we also use them to carve, shave, and trim.

Number — 8

Eight is a number of movement, power, and adjustment.

The Inversion

There is nothing to fear with an inversion. Mary K. Greer explains in her book, The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals, that an inverted card may be interpreted in one or more of these twelve ways:

  1. Blocked or Resisted
  2. Projected
  3. Delayed, Difficult, Unavailable
  4. Inner, Unconscious, Private
  5. New or Dark Moon (if you are reading cards from a round deck)
  6. Breaking Through, Overturning, Refusing, Changing Direction
  7. The Opposite of the Upright Meaning, or Lacking
  8. Excessively
  9. Misused or Misdirected
  10. The Upright Meaning Backward
  11. A Rectification or Cure
  12. Magical, Unconventional, or Humorous

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Inverted Eight of Cups


Inverted Eight of CupsIn this image, the inverted cups almost look like a chandelier. This is an example of an inversion generally being more favorable than its upright companion.

Receiving this card suggests the value of spending time alone. This can be a fertile time of self-reflection. It is an opportunity to evaluate the “why” of your situation. If you have felt loneliness or the sense that you don’t fit in, if you have been trying to fill a bottomless pit inside yourself, this is the time to plumb those depths and repair what is broken.

Since you are dealing with an imbalance of water (emotion), integrate the other elements (air, earth, and fire) into your discovery. Sit outside on the ground at noon while you gaze within. Feel the warmth of the sun, the firm foundation of the earth, and inhale the air around you. Allow your emotions to drain into the earth, where they can be transformed. Take this time for yourself, and heal.

The Suit — Cups or Hearts

The cup holds water, the heart holds emotion. Water nourishes, refreshes, revives. Emotions remind us we’re alive, give us reason to commune with others. Water can give life and take it away. Emotions can make us want to feel more and wish we could just stop feeling entirely.
This suit invites us to that place below the surface, to search for the Holy Grail, to get in touch with our creative side.

Number — 8

Eight is a number of movement, power, and adjustment.

The Inversion

There is nothing to fear with an inversion. Mary K. Greer explains in her book, The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals, that an inverted card may be interpreted in one or more of these twelve ways:

  1. Blocked or Resisted
  2. Projected
  3. Delayed, Difficult, Unavailable
  4. Inner, Unconscious, Private
  5. New or Dark Moon (if you are reading cards from a round deck)
  6. Breaking Through, Overturning, Refusing, Changing Direction
  7. The Opposite of the Upright Meaning, or Lacking
  8. Excessively
  9. Misused or Misdirected
  10. The Upright Meaning Backward
  11. A Rectification or Cure
  12. Magical, Unconventional, or Humorous


The Eight of Cups adds movement to the following cards.

Major Arcana

Fool: If the Eight of Cups (Hearts in other decks) is in combination with the Fool, it indicates travel and the need to leave a situation.
Chariot: If the Eight of Cups (Hearts in other decks) is in combination with the Chariot, it indicates the need to leave a situation.

Minor Arcana

Knights: Any of the Knights in combination with the Eight of Cups (Hearts in other decks) indicate the need to leave a situation.
Six of Swords (Spades): The Six of Swords (Spades in other decks) in combination with the Eight of Cups (Hearts in other decks) indicates the need to leave a situation.

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Eight of Rods


Eight of RodsI can’t help myself. I always see this card as the arrows of love. But, what this card represents is broader than infatuation, it’s speed and wild energy. Eights are well on their way to finishing a cycle. They are the push or movement you need to get you closer to the finish line.

When you get this card, something has been set in motion. It is making its arc in the sky and looking for a place to land. This is not the time for planning, this is the execution. The ball is already in play. Get ready to reap the fruits of your labors. Just remember, you have to relinquish a little bit of control for the project to grow beyond your original design. This is an exciting time. Enjoy it!

The Suit — Rods, Wands, Staves, or Clubs

The Rod is a tool with a spark of life in it. This suit is associated with the element of fire, due largely to an ancient belief that fire is held captive in wood. Certainly, sensitive souls can feel the energy of wood, but we don’t expect it to combust on its own. When we refer to this suit as Wands, we acknowledge its power. Rods are creative and fiery. They can also feel like a burden in excess.

Number — 8

Eight is a number of movement, power, and adjustment.


The Eight of Rods only interacts with the Pages of each suit.

Minor Arcana

Pages: Any of the Pages in combination with the Eight of Rods (Wands, Staves, or Clubs in other decks) indicate a message could play a key role in events. You can expect its arrival soon.

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Eight of Pentacles


Eight of PentaclesThe figure in this card is carrying out a project. The planning is complete. He is in the midst of implementation.

Getting this card suggests that you are working hard to successfully complete something. You are finally at the point where you have something to show for all this work — a diploma, a manuscript, a piece of art, a gold record, a client. This card is telling you to keep up the good work. You are almost there. Don’t take the eye off the ball.

The Suit — Pentacles, Coins, or Diamonds

The pentacle is a symbol of earth magic. The coin is wealth and wages. The diamond is a symbol of wealth, pulled from the ground and refined by human hands into something enduring and elegant. This suit represents all things related to the earth. It represents the work of our hands. It represents those conspicuous signs of wealth that show us and our neighbors how successful we are, but this is merely material wealth. We can pass this on to the next generation, but it is worthless if we choose to bury it with ourselves.

Number — 8

Eight is a number of movement, power, and adjustment.


The Eight of Pentacles only interacts with the Emperor.

Major Arcana

Emperor: Any cards from the suit of Pentacles can indicate an offer of a position of authority. This position is likely to involve finance and carry heavy responsibilities.

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Inverted Eight of Pentacles


Inverted Eight of PentaclesThis card indicates some trouble with work. Work may be unfulfilling, or overwhelming. You might be unemployed altogether.

Getting this card indicates you need to evaluate your current work situation. Are you in a job that is satisfying? Do you know what type of work you would rather do? Do you have the skills and experience to qualify you for a different position? Do you have a network in the company you want to work? If you don’t know where to start, you might want to contact a reputable transitional career counselor. It’s time to get your career back on track.

The Suit — Pentacles, Coins, or Diamonds

The pentacle is a symbol of earth magic. The coin is wealth and wages. The diamond is a symbol of wealth, pulled from the ground and refined by human hands into something enduring and elegant. This suit represents all things related to the earth. It represents the work of our hands. It represents those conspicuous signs of wealth that show us and our neighbors how successful we are, but this is merely material wealth. We can pass this on to the next generation, but it is worthless if we choose to bury it with ourselves.

Number — 8

Eight is a number of movement, power, and adjustment.

The Inversion

There is nothing to fear with an inversion. Mary K. Greer explains in her book, The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals, that an inverted card may be interpreted in one or more of these twelve ways:

  1. Blocked or Resisted
  2. Projected
  3. Delayed, Difficult, Unavailable
  4. Inner, Unconscious, Private
  5. New or Dark Moon (if you are reading cards from a round deck)
  6. Breaking Through, Overturning, Refusing, Changing Direction
  7. The Opposite of the Upright Meaning, or Lacking
  8. Excessively
  9. Misused or Misdirected
  10. The Upright Meaning Backward
  11. A Rectification or Cure
  12. Magical, Unconventional, or Humorous


The Eight of Pentacles only interacts with the Emperor.

Major Arcana

Emperor: Any cards from the suit of Pentacles can indicate an offer of a position of authority. This position is likely to involve finance and carry heavy responsibilities.

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Eight of Cups


Eight of CupsThis card represents leaving something behind. Since the cups are emotional, the thought of leaving is probably tugging at your heart.

Maybe you have looked forward to or dreaded this for some time. You may have been reassessing the situation for months, even years. You made minor adjustments as you went, and finally came to the realization that those adjustments just weren’t enough. You need to step away, even if it’s only temporary. Gain the perspective you need. Just don’t stay too long. That will lead to something worse.

The Suit — Cups or Hearts

The cup holds water, the heart holds emotion. Water nourishes, refreshes, revives. Emotions remind us we’re alive, give us reason to commune with others. Water can give life and take it away. Emotions can make us want to feel more and wish we could just stop feeling entirely.
This suit invites us to that place below the surface, to search for the Holy Grail, to get in touch with our creative side.

Number — 8

Eight is a number of movement, power, and adjustment.


The Eight of Cups adds movement to the following cards.

Major Arcana

Fool: If the Eight of Cups (Hearts in other decks) is in combination with the Fool, it indicates travel and the need to leave a situation.
Chariot: If the Eight of Cups (Hearts in other decks) is in combination with the Chariot, it indicates the need to leave a situation.

Minor Arcana

Knights: Any of the Knights in combination with the Eight of Cups (Hearts in other decks) indicate the need to leave a situation.
Six of Swords (Spades): The Six of Swords (Spades in other decks) in combination with the Eight of Cups (Hearts in other decks) indicates the need to leave a situation.

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Inverted Eight of Rods


Inverted Eight of RodsInversions are often a study in opposition. Depending on the context, this could either indicate stuck or explosive energy.

If the energy seems stuck to you, you could be coming up against a series of obstacles, cancellations, or delays. If the energy is explosive, it could represent a surge of adrenaline, that may or may not work in your favor. Whatever the situation, try to keep your wits about you. You might not have a great deal of control in this situation. Try not to react impulsively.

The Suit — Rods, Wands, Staves, or Clubs

The Rod is a tool with a spark of life in it. This suit is associated with the element of fire, due largely to an ancient belief that fire is held captive in wood. Certainly, sensitive souls can feel the energy of wood, but we don’t expect it to combust on its own. When we refer to this suit as Wands, we acknowledge its power. Rods are creative and fiery. They can also feel like a burden in excess.

Number — 8

Eight is a number of movement, power, and adjustment.

The Inversion

There is nothing to fear with an inversion. Mary K. Greer explains in her book, The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals, that an inverted card may be interpreted in one or more of these twelve ways:

  1. Blocked or Resisted
  2. Projected
  3. Delayed, Difficult, Unavailable
  4. Inner, Unconscious, Private
  5. New or Dark Moon (if you are reading cards from a round deck)
  6. Breaking Through, Overturning, Refusing, Changing Direction
  7. The Opposite of the Upright Meaning, or Lacking
  8. Excessively
  9. Misused or Misdirected
  10. The Upright Meaning Backward
  11. A Rectification or Cure
  12. Magical, Unconventional, or Humorous


The Eight of Rods only interacts with the Pages of each suit.

Minor Arcana

Pages: Any of the Pages in combination with the Eight of Rods (Wands, Staves, or Clubs in other decks) indicate a message could play a key role in events. You can expect its arrival soon.

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Eight of Swords


Eight of SwordsThis figure is bound, blindfolded, and surrounded by swords. The swords, which also represent thought or intellect, act as a barrier. This barrier could be protecting or further imprisoning this woman. They surround her. They are rooted in the ground she stands on, like some sort of Excalibur.

The truth is, these ropes are not very tight. She could wriggle out of them and remove her own blindfold. She didn’t put herself here, but she has come to believe she has no power to free herself.

If this is you, what is keeping you stuck? You’ve been listening to what’s going on around you, but you don’t have to wait for someone to rescue you. With a little effort you can change your situation on your own. You think your hands are tied, but that’s only because you’ve lost perspective. Get out your pen and start journaling. Examine each sword (excuse) and decide if it needs to stay in place or can be moved. Once free, your world will look very different.

The Suit — Swords

The sword cuts and dissects. Swords represents the element of air. They are intellect. They are double-sided, which allows them to both damage and heal. The images in the suit might be alarming to some, but they are not simply aggressive. Yes, we can use blades to inflict pain, but we also use them to carve, shave, and trim.

Number — 8

Eight is a number of movement, power, and adjustment.


The Seven of Swords only interacts with the Lovers.

Major Arcana

Lovers: If any cards from the suit of Swords come after the Lovers, it indicates the end of a relationship.

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